Sunday 24 June 2012

Day 2 - Equine Thug

Smart people may have all the best ideas but drunks / insomniacs have all the best stories. With this in mind and with a foot in each camp (so to speak) at 05:30 this morning somewhere on the outskirts of Dudley I was bitten by a horse!!
Having left the boat early in search of eggs and a newspaper I  happened across the animal wandering down  the middle of the road.
I managed to coax him to a piece of waste land by the side of the Texaco  with a handful of grass and some Bournville (they were out of eggs) Chocolate whereupon he bit me on the leg.
Not a man to shy away from a fight I promptly called the Police and told them I would wait till they arrived.

Alas 'Dobbin' began to get a bit frisky and developed what can only be described as 'Morning Wood' so I called the police back and told them they were on their own on this one, made my excuses and fled.

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