Tuesday 26 June 2012

Day 3 - MAN DOWN!!!

The tow paths are flooded at the moment but this hasnt stopped me zooming up and down on my gay hybrid bike when only a mountain bike should do. This morning on a particularly 'gnarly' stretch fate intervened forcing the de railer mechanism up into the rear wheels and now rendering me bikeless. This sort of thing has never happened to me whilst living on dry land.......

Things That Have Never Happened to me Whilst Living on Dry Land

Bitten by a horse
Bitten by a horse fly
Had a rash south of the border from using the chemical toilet
Hit a motorway bridge with 7 tons of slow moving steel
Mashed up a dead dog wearing a romper suit (not me ....the dog)
Stared longingly into a car showroom at alternative forms of transport
Drooled on a steam engine
Given a duck diabetes 

Hoxton Heath Mclaren and Rolls Royce Showroom

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