Monday 25 June 2012

Day 2 - .....Meanwhile again......

Wouldn't touch him with a ......
GROUNDED!!! We managed to ground the boat twice yesterday and in the process bust the bargepole. Our first and only casualty so far if you dont count those ducks we killed and ate .................................which we dont. It's their own fault for looking so plump and succulent.

 Dickens Heath - Twinned with Stepford and Midwich and possibly the creepiest place in UK. Certainly the weirdest place in England I've ever been to. This on Wiki from the residents.

"Although building on the final stage of Dickens Heath is still yet to happen with the current housing slump and slow sales of current stock being blamed, the village has become a vibrant centre with a high population of youngsters making the village a fun place to live"

Yea nice try suckers!!!!!!!!

We arrived at Shirley Drawbridge without an operators key and without a clue on how to get one. Luckily for us Reekya (a Norwegain woman and canal boat enthusiast who reliably informed me she had been "Doing it on the canals for years")
turned up on her boat with a key.
Neither of us knew how this thing worked and muddled on nearly crushing a car in the process. But for the highly amused locals in the beer garden opposite coming to our aid this would most certainly have usurped the bargepole in the casualty stakes.

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