Wednesday 4 July 2012

Day 8 - Oxfords Dreaming Spires

We have made it to our week 2 destination of Oxford nearly 3 days ahead of schedule. The boat will be moored here for a week or so whilst Tim and I take care of things in the real world (in my case this  should take a few minutes)
Next comes the Thames, we had a taste of river boating where the Oxford canal joins the Cherwell river for a couple of miles and it was very exciting as we attained the dizzying heights of 8mph. Yes you read that right ....A WHOLE 8MPH....Imagine Bullitt set on a canal boat in the wilds of Oxfords backwaters and thats how exciting it was.

Oxfords dreaming spires.....
Otherwise known as Lefty and Righty

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